Chapter: Dark Angels
Model: Games Workshop

Like a lot people here in the UK, I started with Dungeons and Dragons and moved into Games Workshop, and while I only played 40k for a brief spell (I was always a WFB person) I have come across and painted a lot of these guys over the years, and in a variety of chapter colours.

I wanted to paint this Captain as a member of the Dark Angels Chapter, which when using Vallejo paints already poses one problem – the Vallejo Dark Green is a horrible colour to work with. Anyone having problems with a colour needs to look at and think of a base colour that would support the difficult colour. Shades and colours act differently when they are on top of a base coat and white/black is not always the best choice.
A flat dark shade of the colour you want is usually the best undercoat, but this often means you are in effect painting the same region twice...

The solution to Vallejo 72028 Dark Green I find is 72064 Yellow Olive, as shown in the photo below.
Once you have the armour down, there isn't much else to do on a model like this. A light dry brush on the metal weapons and a coat of flesh on the face.
It is important to focus a little extra effort on natural focal points on models (the area you tend to see first). On this model the central rosette, especially when painted red, attracts the eye and as a natural feature we tend to look 'upwards' so attention was needed on the crest on the models chest.

This was accomplished with a base coat of 72050 Cold Grey, then the details picked out carefully with a thin brush and 72047 Wolf Grey paint.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my work. Any comments are always appreciated.
Very nice looking figure and interesting points regarding the base colour. They do make a big difference. Using GW Foundation paints has saved me a lot of time and effort.