I will start this article with a quick 'thanks', firstly to all the people who check out my work and the feedback I receive, and today a special thanks for a piece of advice I received regarding my photos. Hopefully on the back of this we will see some improvements in photo quality that show off my work a little better.

On display here we have a nice little assortment of near future, 'Street Violence' style models.

When I received these they were already painted to an OK standard, lots of dry-brushing but not to bad a job. I decided, for ease more than any other reason, that when I repainted them I would stick roughly to the original colours, so I am not 100% responsible here if the odd one or two look a bit bland.

I added a little detail here or there, the pin stripe suit, the urban camo trousers and as the more observant of you may notice, I did all the bases to match as a group.

I am particularly pleased with the troopers. I think the colour scheme works well and it may be something I will have to remember for future uniforms. I also need to look for a good way to paint more 'asian' skin tones, something that looks different but without going overboard.

Thanks again for taking the time to check these out.
Coming Soon: Napoleonic French Infantry, Dwarves, and Space Bears!