
Thanks for visiting my page. To help with navigation, here is a list of popular pages all about Marching in Colour

* The History of Marching In Colour - who is the man behind the words and service, how did it all come about

* Commissioning Models for Painting - how the process works, start to finish, and what you can expect

* Gallery of Artists Work - with over 20 years experience, here is a small sample of finished commissions

* ITEMS FOR SALE - as well as painting models, I also sell pre-painted models and assorted loose models and scenery on Etsy and Ebay. Links here!

* Trade in your old models for Painting Credit * click here for details

* To see details of all current commissions booked-in and estimated completion dates - click here

SCENERY and TERRAIN - for pre-made, handcrafted items of scenery and terrain, please click here

For TUTORIALS please follow this link - click here

Monday 26 October 2015

Painting Tutorial - 10mm Napoleonic Russia Jager

Following on from my previous post, 'Russian Line Infantry' I present their light infantry support - the Jagers.
Again these are 10mm scale, manufactured by the 'Magnificent Little Soldier Co.'
Step One - Undercoat
A decent coat of regular 'Black' is applied to the miniatures.

Step Two - Uniform and Blankets

Pick out the main areas first - the arms, the legs. Try to keep the areas solid and let the black contrast with the main colour. This adds a level of depth to the model that is far easier to achieve when working with this scale than to attempt any shade/highlighting with the uniform green.

Step 3 - Skin and Rifles

Here we use a mix of 'blob' for the face and hands, and 'contrast' for the rifle. Leave a little black between the actual hands and the rifle.

Step Four - Silver and Red

The rifle barrels and bayonets are painted with a metallic silver. The trousers receive the 'red stripe' down the side of each leg. When painting lines at this scale it is easier to dip your brush in the paint then wipe a little off the brush. If you try and paint straight from dipping you often make the mistake of getting a 'blob' rather than a line where the brush connects with the model.

Any questions, comments, suggestions gratefully received!

Commissions been taken for December/January. Email -


Friday 23 October 2015

Painting Tutorial - 10mm Napoleonic Russian

Howdy folks,

Currently on my workbench is a rather considerable sum of 10mm Napoleonic miniatures from the 'Magnificent Little Soldier Co.', a mix of Russians and Prussians, Infantry, Cavalry, and skirmishers.

As I work my way through this lovely pile of minis I thought I would share with you the progress and a few tips on how I tend to paint 10mm miniatures.

Paints used  - Vallejo, in the following colours,

Black, undercoat
Flat Green, for Russian uniforms,
Charred Brown, for blankets,
Beasty Brown, for muskets,
Blood Red, for collar/cuffs/turns
Burnt Red, for musket straps
Silver, for the bayonets
White, for trousers and trim

Step 1 - Undercoat

Fairly straight forward. You can often flood an area with too much paint if you are not careful when working with such small scales. Use a size 6 brush and work fast, that way any excess paint gets spread before it dries.

Step 2 - Uniform

Don't worry too much about slipping onto other areas when you paint the green uniform. You can always go over these later as required. Work with a lot of models on a strip (the photo only shows two sections, I normally work with around 12), and paint all 'right arms' on all strips, like a production line. This helps ensure you don't miss any areas.

Step 3 - Red Cuffs and Flesh

When working with such small scales, try not to 'paint' detail, but rather 'dab' on the detail. A good example of this is the hands (lower picture), these are dabs of paint on the area the hand is. Use the tip of your brush, with fresh paint for every couple of dabs.

Step 4 - Trousers and Trim

The key point to mention here, and which stands good for most small scales - 10/6mm - is 'contrast'. Don't try to shade the trousers by painting grey first, then white, but simply go straight for the white on black. This helps the area stand out better.

With the trim, try to run your brush over the raised area rather than paint the exact line. Unless your eye site is amazing it is far easy to let the paint 'catch' the line that try to paint along it.


A sneaky peek of the Command groups for these regiments!

Thanks for reading!
The models featured are part of a current commission. Unfortunately at time of writing I am fully booked for the next few weeks, so cant offer any slots until early/mid December, but if you would like work done, please contact me by email at
A strip of 5x 10mm models, painted to this standard is currently priced at £1.25

Saturday 17 October 2015

PATREON - A new way to order painting commissions!

Over the years I have undertaken a lot of commissions and had a lot more enquiries that never turned into finished commissions. One of the main reasons for these enquiries not leading to beautifully painted models was the investment, or the outlay needed - the often large chunk of money to pay on completion.

I have tried to help ease this burden where I could by allowing people to pay in 'halves' -  half up front, rest on completion of the work, and while the feedback for this is usually great, it is still a hefty investment.

The other side of the coin is keeping Marching In Colour afloat. Not getting paid until the order is complete means I often have to wait several weeks before I see any return for the time it takes me to paint.

Unfortunately the regular bills of life - rent, utilities, internet, often require monthly payment.

I think I may have found a nice compromise for all parties involved..

Folks, I present my 'Patreon' page!!

Patreon is a kind of 'crowd funding' site, except you can pledge a certain amount of money 'per month' to the artist you are supporting.

I have set up Patreon page to offer each and every single pledge the equal amount of Painting Credit.

This (hopefully) will be a great way for people to pay for commissions while spreading the cost over a number of months rather than having to pay a single large bill.

Please note - this does not effect my regular pricing methods. This is entirely optional and intended to help those who may want to spread the cost of painting.

How it works -

When you make a pledge, Patreon will charge you once per month. This is taken directly from your payment method, and given to me here at Marching In Colour.
I keep a running total of the amount paid, which you can cash-in at any time (subject to the usual waiting period for commissions).

For instance, if you pledge £5 per month, you will be charged £5 per month, which is paid directly to Marching In Colour.
After 4 months you may decide you want some models painted. Four months at £5 has earned you £20 in painting!

You don't have worry about a large bill, and I can worry less about keeping the ship afloat.

If this method interests you, please check out the page. There is also a couple of other little bonuses you might like, but you will have to visit the page to find them out.

Monday 12 October 2015

October Update

Howdy folks,

Its been a tough few months - computer problems, hospital visits, one marriage (my sister's), and sadly one friend who unfortunately passed. Cancer being a terrible thing.

With regards to Marching in Colour's painting service, though the website here has been very quiet the painting has not. I have managed to complete several commissions, all for regular clients - I am still active and painting!

Which brings me to the good news... lots of plans for the future - back to regular updates on this blog, revamp of the selling page, an over hall of the painting service with new ideas and fresh payment methods, and an idea to share my experience through 'Painting Tutorials' and starter kits.

Plenty of stuff in the works, so please be sure to check back often.

Till then, here's a couple of pics of recent work. Enjoy.


Nice lot of 10mm Greek Phalanx

ECW Parliament Cavalry, 28mm